We See You

We see you. We hear you. We provide comfort, create solutions & help to protect you from future pain

LawVolution brings the human element back into Law to make the experience of separation & divorce more personal & compassionate. We offer opportunities to learn from the experts & to connect with others going through similar experiences

Our objective is not just to help you survive but to thrive

“We believe Lawyers are healers. We have the privilege of supporting people through the most vulnerable times in their lives. We are in a position of power, to make lasting contributions. Let those contributions be positive .”

— Stephanie Allouche

Revolutionary Solutions

The Right Fit

LawVolution takes a holistic approach that extends beyond the expertise in Law

Is LawVolution For You?

You want a Law Firm that recognizes the multifaceted impact of separation & can provide you with resources to support you not just to survive but to thrive

You want a working relationship with your Lawyer where you work as a Team with a hands-on approach

You want to understand what your entitlements & obligations are in relation to your Family Law matter & having it resolved quickly

You also want advice & guidance for the best available method to resolving your matter & laying a foundation for your future

You want a Lawyer who has extra training in dispute resolution & negotiations

You want a Law Firm that uses court only when necessary & as a very last resort

LawVolution is NOT for you if you are going through a separation &

You are not willing to put yourself, your children, & your family first

You are not willing to drop the boxing gloves & step outside of the ring

You are not willing to look in the mirror & reflect & commit to growth & repair

We Understand Your Experience

The only trauma worse than divorce, on some life events scales is the death of a child. Separation is the death of your identity as a spouse. Further, the divorce process itself can be very traumatic, especially if you go to court. Trauma takes over our body, mind, & spirit, our brains are still wired to react to trauma the way they did long ago when we were chased by saber-toothed tiger’s. Your brain doesn’t know the difference between a saber-toothed tiger & a divorce; in fact it reacts the same way.

Trauma changes the chemistry in your body. You are flooded with stress hormones, adrenaline, & cortisol. Your heart rate & blood pressure goes up. You get ready to run for your life or to fight for survival, & you are paralyzed & unable to move forward. It is the flight-fight-freeze reaction built into your brain to help you survive threats to your very existence. This means even if what you really want is to rush through & “get it over with”, you need to slow down, prioritize your own recovery, or at least set a direction toward recovery. You need to take care of yourself before making huge decisions that you will live with for the rest of your life.

Gandhi Was a Lawyer

Check out These LawVolution Steps to Restoration